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Fragments of me

​In this series I seek to bring and show the different versions of myself. About recognizing that there are many and admiring the evolution (or not, maybe just accepting) of each one of them.




Being many is about being free. The similarity with water is the intensity of the current when I throw myself headlong into what I want and it is the rough sea when I need to fight. I realize that I am a river because I dissolve, because I know how to mix, but I also know how to separate. I am fresh water because I renew. I am an ocean because I am immense, because having an open chest is about vastness. Because no one knows me completely. Because no one can stop me. Because I'm a flood of emotions. For being and being part of my creatures, my legends, my myths and my gods. I am sea because I am from Bahia and my blood, in addition to palm oil, also contains salt water.



​(Art made in honor of LGBT+ pride day)

Be proud of the fight, the resistance, the colors, the flags that we carry, the brightness, the immensity that we are and the possibilities that love encompasses. Celebrate affection, touch, goosebumps on your skin and especially feeling. And I'm sorry (that phrase has so many meanings...)! May we continue to resist in the midst of so much bad news, so much hate and so much attack, reciprocating with more love, with more kisses. Because we are seeds. We don't die, we only grow stronger. Because we embrace our emotions, we face them, we live (and deliciously). Love is like those little plants that grow in the middle of concrete, there is no limitation.






Sobre ser raíz, ser mato, me ver como revolução. Ela me ensina a respeitar espaços, limites e a buscar germinar onde me cabe (não que eu tenha que caber em algum lugar). Onde aprendo também ser semente. Ser fruto. Ser um pedacinho de quem veio antes. Crescer e tomar minhas direções. Aprender com os erros e renascer mais forte por causa deles. Se podar. Essa parte de mim tem sede de conhecer e desabrochar. Soltar sementes por aí. Ser planta vasta, produtiva e se adentrar/adaptar em bons solos. Até porque dependendo do ambiente, não dá pra vingar. Essa minha versão me ensina a rever onde me planto, onde me sustento, como me hidrato e de onde vem minha iluminação. Por ela sou o que sou hoje. Plantei arte, colhi resistência

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Um pedaço da gente se trata de evoluir, construir e desconstruir. Levantar, edificar e fortalecer ideais, pensamentos, concepções. Sobre reconhecer nossos momentos escuros, mas acreditar naquela luz que ta piscando e iluminando parte da caminhada. 



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